Personal information

Dasen Véronique, born in Lausanne-CH, Swiss, two children

Address:            Institut des Sciences de l’Antiquité et du monde byzantin

16, rue Pierre-Aeby, 1700 Fribourg

Email :

ERC website: / Personal webpage:

Current position

2017-present: Ordinary Professor in Classical Archaeology and Art History, Fribourg University-CH

Education- Academic degrees

2000: Habilitation (PD Dr) in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at the University of Fribourg-CH. Title: Jumeaux, jumelles dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Published in 2005.

1983-1989: Ph.D. in Egyptology and Classical Archaeology at the University of Oxford-GB (co-direction prof. J. Baines, Egyptology, and J. Boardman, Classical archaeology). Title: Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Published in 1993 (arabic transl. 2004, paperback 2013).

1976-1982: Studies in Greek, Roman, and Roman Provincial Archaeology, Ancient History and French Literature at the University of Lausanne-CH. Master thesis (Licence ès Lettres) in Greek Archaeology (prof. C. Bérard). Title: Les Nains d’Athènes. Essai sur la représentation de l’altérité physique (1982 Award of Lausanne University).

Employment, Academic Appointments

2022 Honorary Professor, University of Lille-FR

Since 2008 associate Professor, since 2017 ordinary Professor in Classical Archaeology, University of Fribourg.

2005-2007: Titular Professor and Senior lecturer (MER) in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, University of Fribourg.

1999-2004: Editor of Antiquit@s, A web-based ancient history learning course, Swiss Virtual Campus (2001-2004), University of Fribourg (PI), with the Universities of Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Liège and Zürich. Lecturer in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology.

1996-1999 : Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) researcher at Fribourg University.

1989-1995 : Research, teaching and exhibition work mandates.

1984-1988 : Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) researcher at Oxford University.

1982-1983: Research assistant, Centre d’étude sur les Lettres Romandes, University of Lausanne.

Invited professor (Paris, EHESS, ENS, EPHE, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Universités dAngers, Berne, Lausanne, Lille, Oxford, Milano, Palermo, Toulouse, Warsaw)

2024 : Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études-Section des Sciences religieuses, Jeux, corps et performance dans l’Antiquité. Pour une approche anthropologique (mai 2024), invited by Gabriella Pironti et Francesca Prescendi.

2023 : Milano, La Statale, Cycle de conférences Locus Ludi: in Search of Ancient Ludic Culture (mai), invited by Claudia Lambrugo.

2021 : Université de Lille, Histoire de la médecine et du corps dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine (juin), invited by Caroline Husquin.

2020: 3 years (each 1 month), Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.

2019: University of Toulouse (February); visiting Professor, University of Warsaw (May); University of Oxford (November).

2017: Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Ancient History.

2015- 2021: joint seminar with F. Lissarrague, A. Schnapp, N. Kei, Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Anthropology of Images. The Greek World.

2016: Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études-Section des Sciences religieuses (January/February).

2015: Paris, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Images en jeu, jeux d’images, February); University of Angers, Ancient History (April).

2013: University of Palermo, Classical Philology and Ancient History (History of procreation, November).

2010: Paris, École Normale Supérieure, Classical Philology and Ancient History (History of the Body: Roman Portrait, Glyptic, Body Divination, January); visiting Professor, University of Lausanne, Roman Archaeology (Archaeology of Medicine, spring semester).

2006: University of Bern, Social Anthropology (Anthropologie der Körper, autumn semester).

2005: Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Histoire Culturelle des Cités Grecques: Corps et différences dans le monde antique (April 2005).

2000: École Pratique des Hautes Études-Historical Sciences, History of Medicine. Du bon usage des images.  Iconographie et histoire de la médecine antique (May).

Advisory Boards: main current positions

2023-: Swiss MC COST Action 22145, 2023-2026, GameTable. Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage, Membre pour la Suisse du Management Comitee (PI E. Piette, Louvain).

2020-  : Swiss MC COST Action 19131, 2020-2024, Europe through Textiles Network for an Integrated and Interdisciplinary Humanities (PI Marie-Louise Nosch, Copenhagen)

2019- : Cluster The Past for the Present (Universities of Bologna, Cambridge, Fribourg, Munich, Warsaw)

Steering committee, Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art

2018- : Advisory board, ERC Consolidator Digital Ludeme, 2018-2023, Maastricht university (PI Cameron Brown)

2015- : Advisory board, Paris, History of Art Festival, Fontainebleau Paris.

2014- : Steering committee, Festival International du Film d’Archéologie de Nyon-CH.

Research Funding Instruments

Member of commissions:  Bern, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Humanities and social sciences. Since 2017, Member of the National Research Council, Division Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2017: Research Grants Commission Ambizione, Eccelenza, Specialised Committee International co-operations. 2015-2017 Advanced mobility; Marie-Heim Vögtlin. 2014-2017: Brussels, 2016-2018, Chair of the commission Social sciences and humanities SHS-4, National Fund for Scientific Research, 2013-2015, member of the commission.

Expertises: Académie Suisse des Sciences Humaines; Actions de recherche concertées, Belgium; Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France; Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Germany; BeIPD-COFUND, Belgium; Equipex, France; European Research Council; Foundation G. de Staël, France; Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Austria; German Research Foundation; PSL Research University, France; Commissioni giudicatrici, Scuola dottorale di Ateneo, Venezia. Expertises for academic promotion : Geneva University, CH (archaeology), Zurich University (Archaeology), Rhodes Island University, USA (Classics department) ; University of Haifa, Israel (Art and Archaeology department).


Research Projects: See page Projects 

Main Institutional Responsibilities at the University of Fribourg

2024: Member of the Foundation council, academic direction, Bible & Orient museum. 2014–: Curator of Greek and Roman collections in the Bible & Orient Museum; member of the Institute for Family Research and Counseling; member of the interdisciplinary Master Family, Childhood and Youth Studies.

2010-2016: Member of the local SNSF research commission, Fribourg University, Vice-chair since 2013.

2009-2010 : Chair of the Département des Sciences de l’Antiquité, Fribourg University.

2008–: Collaboration to a transnational Master in Archaeology (Universities of Besançon, Dijon, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, and Strasbourg).

1997-2006 : Member of the commission ‘Femmes et Université’, Fribourg University.

Teaching Activities: Since 1999: Greek and Roman History, Numismatics and Epigraphy, Greek and Roman Archaeology (iconography, material studies), Gender studies, Funerary, Religious and Votive Practices, Magic and Divination, Ancient Iconography and Cultural Anthropology (glyptic, vase-painting, statuary), Ancient Medicine and History of the Body, Reception of Antiquity in the Modern and Contemporary Periods: BA introduction courses, BA and MA courses, BA and MA seminars, doctoral workshops. At Fribourg University in addition: specialised BA and MA courses in Gender Studies (2004-2007), Medical humanities (cycles on “Le médecin antique face la mort”; “History of Midwifery and Procreation”, Fribourg and Lausanne Universities, 2004-2013). Since 2015, Paris, EHESS, joint seminar on the Anthropology of Images with F. Lissarrague, A. Schnapp, N. Kei.

Supervision of doctoral and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows: Since 2009, supervision of 13 European doctoral and postdoctoral fellows, 12 doctoral theses (co-direction with the Universities of Aix-Marseille, Athens, Lille 3, Lyon, Madrid, Paris EHESS, Brittany, Toulouse), 28 master thesis in Ancient History and Classical Archaeology. Since 2003: expert for over 40 national and international doctoral theses and habilitations.

Contribution to the early career of researchers: Claire Pittet, Les animaux exotiques dans les venationes : L’exemple des éléphants et des félins, Master thesis, 2015 : Prize of Fribourg University. Elodie Clivaz, La poupée, un double de la jeune fille? (IIe-VIIe s. apr. J.-C.), Master thesis, 2016: Prizes of Fondation pour le Patrimoine culturel, Lausanne; Gender Studies, Fribourg University; Société Académique du Valais. Céline Dubois, Du foetus à l’enfant dans le monde grec archaïque et classique: représentations, pratiques rituelles et gestes funéraires (co-dir. A. Hermary, Aix Marseille), PhD thesis 19.12.2016. Prize Etudes genre, Fribourg University. Publication in preparation. Caroline Husquin, Penser le corps social en situation à Rome et dans le monde romain: perceptions et représentations de l’atteinte physique du Ier siècle avant notre ère au IVe siècle de notre ère (co-dir. S. Benoist, Lille 3), 3.12.2016. Prize Henry-E. Sigerist, Société Suisse d’Histoire de la Médecine et des Sciences Naturelles. Published, Rennes, PUR, 2020 : L’intégrité du corps en question.  Perceptions et représentations de l’atteinte physique dans la Rome antique. Ludovica Darani, La tomba di Iulia Graphis: tra miniature e mors immatura, Master thesis, 2021 Prize of Fribourg University, published in 2021 (Kentron, 36, 2021)  Sandra Jaeggi, Du sein au biberon : culture matérielle et symbolique du lait et de l’alimentation des tout-petits (0-3 ans) en Gaule romaine (Ier s. av. –Ve s. apr. J.-C) (co-dir. D. Frère, Bretagne sud) 4.10.2018. SNFS Research Postdoc Grant 2019-2020. Published 2024 (Brepols). Elodie Bauer, Corps et vêtement féminins de la petite enfance au mariage en Grèce ancienne (co-dir. F. Gherchanoc, Université de Paris), Ma thèse en 180 secondes, First Prize, University of Fribourg 2024.

Field work–excavations: in Switzerland since 1977, in Greece since 1981 (Eretria, Swiss School of Archaeology), Astypalea/Rhodes 2012-2015 (related to SNSF 2012-2016, Early Childhood in Ancient Greece (8th–4th c. BC); northern Greece (16th Ephoria). Pompei and Campania, Roman Gaul: collaborations with different archaeological sites/expeditions/missions in the frame of the ERC locus ludi and SNFS project on Jointed Dolls.

Major international collaborations:

1) K. Marciniak, ERC 2016-2021, Warsaw University, Our Mythical Childhood. The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture. 2) C. Rowan, ERC 2016-2021, Warwick University, Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean. 3) Y. Denechère, Angers University, Enjeu[x], Enfance et Jeunesse, 2015-2019 4) A. Karivieri, K. Mustakallio, Stockholm and Tampere Universities/Academy of Finland, Segregated or Integrated? Living and Dying in the Harbour City of Ostia 300 BCE-700 CE, 2015-2019 5) D. Whitebread, Cambridge University, Encyclopaedia of Play, Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development and Learning. 6) D. Frère, South Brittany University, ANR 2013-2016 MAGI Manger, boire, offrir pour l’éternité en Gaule et Italie préromaines. Archéologie des offrandes funéraires de produits biologiques dans les cultures préromaines celtes, étrusques, italiques et phénico-puniques (VIe s. -Ier s. av. J.-C.) <> 7) J. Evans-Grubbs, T. Parkin, Emory and Manchester Universities, The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Classical World, 2013. 8) A. Hermary, A.-M. Guimet-Sorbier, M.D. Nenna, Aix-Marseille and Paris Ouest-Nanterre Universities, Centre d’études alexandrines, ANR 2007-2011 L’enfant et la mort dans l’Antiquité: des pratiques funéraires à l’identité sociale. 9) L. Beaumont, B. Rawson, Sidney and Canberra Universities, Blackwell Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds, 2011; Children in Antiquity. Perspectives and Experiences of Childhood in the Ancient Mediterranean, in press. 10) A. Mouton, Strasbourg University, ANR 2009-2012 Vivre, Grandir et Mourir dans l’Antiquité. 11) C. Lambrugo, Milano University, Research group on ancient games and toys 12) Since 2012, Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts: editorial board of The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database, open access, directed by Prof. Arpad M. Nagy:; Member of the Seuso treasure project. 13) Since 2012 Groupe Artémidore, University Paul-Valéry Montpellier III (dir. Chr. Chandezon and J. du Bouchet). 14) 2011-2019. Thematic network Histoire du corps, with regular workshops (universities of Nantes, Poitiers, Rennes II and Lausanne) 15) D. Bonnet EHESS, S. Lallemand, M.-F. Morel, Paris, Séminaire Regards croisés sur la petite enfance.

Curator of Exhibitions: See page Exhibitions


Two benchmarks

1) 2014-2020 Veni, vidi, ludique. Games and Toys in Roman Antiquity, Nyon, Roman Museum (5-10.2014), La Tour-de-Peilz, Swiss Museum of Games (10.2014-3.2015), Vallon, Roman Museum (3.2015-2.2016), 20’556 visitors. Bavay, Forum antique (9.2015-2.2016), 7’587 visitors; Cholet, Musée d’art et d’histoire (29.4.2016-11.2016) 7’021 visitors; Vieux-la-Romaine (20.5-3.12.2017); Lyon, Lugdunum, musée et théâtres romains, Ludique ! Jouer dans l’Antiquité – (20.6.2019-1.2.2019) 35’518 visitors; Jublains, Musée archéologique départemental, Veni, vidi, ludique: une expo pour jouer dans l’antiquité (20.7-1.11.2020). In preparation: Reading, Ure Museum (2021). Associated to the SNSF Project Agora 2013-2016, Veni, vidi, ludique and ERC Locus Ludi.

2) 2010-2015 Quoi de neuf docteur? La médecine et la santé à l’époque romaine, Nyon, Roman Museum 2010-2011; Lyon, Musée gallo-romain Lyon-Fourvière (15.9.2011-22.4.2012), 36’793 visitors; Bavay, Forum antique (12.9.2012-15.1.2013); Mans, Carré Plantagenêt (8.3-16.9.2013). Vindonissa Museum, Der Arzt, dem alle vertrauen – Medizin in der Römerzeit (25.9.2013- 15.9.2014); Limeseum, Römerpark Ruffenhofen (5.11.2014-8.3.2015) (associated to SNSF 2009-2012, Medicine, Hygiene and Health in the Roman World)

Regular Organisation of Scientific Meetings (Conferences, Workshops, Doctoral School) (1-3 per semester).

Current list:

Since spring 2020: weekly research webinar on ancient games and play/toys (over 60 participants), and hybrid or full remote workshops (list and programmes on

Main International Scientific Meetings (published or in press)

Three benchmarks:

1) Organisation of the first international conference on early childhood in Classical Antiquity: Regards croisés sur la naissance et la petite enfance dans l’Antiquité, Fribourg University, 28.11-1.12.2001, ending a cycle of 8 interfaculty and interdisciplinary workshops organised by the PI, ‘Naître en 2001/Born in 2001’ (15.1-1.12.2001: Ethic and Medicine, Law, Remedial Education, Economics, Media, Ethnology, Medieval and Modern History, Antiquity). Published in 2002 (interfaculty cycle of workshops) and 2004 (Antiquity conference).

2) Vth Roman Family Conference: Family secrets, secret families: Memory and familial identity, Fribourg University, 13-15.6.2007. Published in 2010.

3) First international conference on Definition, Transmission, Reception of Ancient Play and Games, Swiss Museum of Games 17-19.9.2018, laying the ground of a new theoretical concept, with wide audience lecture and artistic contribution. Label “European Year of Cultural Heritage”. In Peer-reviewing.

Other Scientific Meetings

Over 45 scientific meetings in the time frame of the ERC 2017-2024. List on


Regular Organisation of Wide Audience Events and Citizen Science Activities

Since october 2017 related to the ERC project locus ludi:

(Cafés scientifiques, demonstrations in schools and museums, wide audience lectures).

Recent benchmarks : Swiss Museum of Games Open day 2018, 3000 participants ;  Swiss Museum of Games Open day 2017, 1700 participants.

Doctoral schools: 2016-2020, chair of the steering committee of the doctoral school in Historical Anthropology (Comparatisme et interdisciplinarité:  mondes anciens et modernes)(Swissuniversities). Since 2015, steering committee of the doctoral school Gender Studies. Member of EDOCSA, Ecole doctorale en Sciences de l’Antiquité.