Research Projects
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Agora, Abacus, Calculer c’est jouer,, Exhibition De la case au pixel. Archéologie du jeu video, at the Swiss Museum of Games, 2024
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) COST CA19131 Europe through Textiles, Fashion in the West: Bodies, Dress, and Identities in Apulian Iconography (5th – 3rd centuries BC), 2022-2025.
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 01.05.2020-30.4.2024: Greek and Roman Jointed Dolls (10th cent. BC.- 7th cent. AD): Archaeological and Anthropological Approaches, CHF 804’566.-
Past research projects
1) 1.10.2017-30.9.2022 : European Research Council (ERC) Advanced grant, Locus Ludi. the Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity (€ 2’494’305).
2) SNSF CoRe 2016-2019, with Bern University, Forensic Institute, To be a Child in Roman Aventicum (1st-3rd c. AD): Evidence on Health, Disease and Feeding Practices from Bioarchaeology, c. 408’946 € (with related exhibition).
3) SNSF Sinergia 2013-2016, Universities of Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, Lactation in History: a Crosscultural Research on Suckling Practices. Representations of Breastfeeding and Politics of Maternity in a European Context, c. 1’384’483 € (with related exhibition).
4) SNSF Agora 2013-2016, Veni, vidi, ludique, Games and Toys in Antiquity, dissemination activities with exhibition in 3 Swiss Museums, c. 142’439 € (with related exhibition).
5) SNSF 2012-2016, Early Childhood in Ancient Greece (8th–4th c. BC): Written, Iconographic and Archaeological Evidence, c. 165’105 €.
6) Sciex 2014-2015, with E. Loránd University, Budapest, The Fable and its Representation in the Antiquity, c. 142’822 €.
7) SNSF 2009-2012, Medicine, Hygiene and Health in the Roman World, c. 137’987 € (with related exhibition).
8) SNSF 2007-2011, Melampous, On Prodigies and Signs, ed., transl. comm. c. 300’279 €.
9) 2007-2008, Germaine de Staël (CH) and Egide (FR) research programme, Pour une sémiologie du corps antique: recherches sur la physiognomonie gréco-romaine c. 10’000 €.
10) SNSF 2004-2006, The Representation of the Human Embryo, c. 155’081 €.
11) Antiquit@s, A Web-Based Ancient History Learning Course, Swiss Virtual Campus (2001-2004) c. 797’000 €.
12) SNSF 1996-1999 (Athena grant), Twins in Greek and Roman Antiquity c. 352’000.- €.
13) SNSF, British Council, Berrow grant 1984-1988, Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece, c. 150’000.- €.
Advisory Boards: main current positions
2023-: Swiss MC COST Action 22145, 2023-2026, GameTable. Computational Techniques for Tabletop Games Heritage, Membre pour la Suisse du Management Comitee (PI E. Piette, Louvain).
2020- : Swiss MC COST Action 19131, 2020-2024, Euroweb. Europe through Textiles Network for an Integrated and Interdisciplinary Humanities (PI Agata Ulanowska, Warsaw).
2019- : Cluster The Past for the Present (Universities of Bologna, Cambridge, Fribourg, Munich, Warsaw)
2019- Steering committee, Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art; 2023 – , vice-president
2018- : Advisory board, ERC Consolidator Digital Ludeme, 2018-2023, Maastricht university (PI Cameron Brown)
2015- : Advisory board, Paris, History of Art Festival, Fontainebleau Paris.
2014-2023 : Steering committee, Festival International du Film d’Archéologie de Nyon-CH.